Mr Rory Bonner

MBChB (Hons), BMedSci (Hons), MRCS (Eng)


I am currently completing Core Surgical Training in West Yorkshire with interests in Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedics. I completed a Trauma Surgery elective in Australia and enjoyed my time working as a Foundation Doctor at the major trauma centre in Leeds. I value my experiences in Medical Education and strive to encourage students to get involved in trauma care and academia. Any students or Universities who want to find out more about the British Trauma Society should contact me without hesitance. Since joining the committee I have stepped into the role of treasurer and look forward to this new challenge.
Core Surgical Trainee

The Call for Papers for BTS 2022 Has now closed

In exceptional circumstances, we are still considering work which can be presented as a poster presentation. Please contact for more information.

Interested in a partnership?

We are always looking for new partners to link with and organise educational events. Contact us to find out more.