BTS SEST Course – Agenda and Info

We look forward to welcoming you to our action-packed Surgical and Emergency Skills in Trauma Pre-Conference Workshop!

Please arrive at 08:30 to the venue (Principality Stadium, Cardiff) on the day


Some optional pre-course reading is available below:

  1. Some of the course will cover “Roadside to Recovery” … we would recommend you taking a look at this excellent talk on Extrication: Extrication – The Resus Room, and take a read of this paper: Rescue and Extrication Nutbeam et al 2022
  2. It would be useful to have an overview of traumatic cardiac arrest: Traumatic Cardiac Arrest – RCSEd-oct-2018
  3. We will also be covering REBOA, and discussing the following paper: Bad_REBOA_Outcomes_2022
  4. We will also be covering cervical collars, here is a useful review: C-collarsreview_FINAL