Annual Scientific Meeting 2021

We have made the difficult decision to make our annual meeting virtual this year, so that all who wish to may attend despite the ongoing pandemic. Watch this space though for announcements on EXCITING International Speakers and Panel Events, along with free paper sessions on novel research and innovation. As always, the educational element will be second to none, with valuable CPD points attached for attendance. All content will be available to attendees virtually for 1 month following the event, making it excellent value. We look forward to seeing you there!



Click here to download: Updated BTS 2021 ASM Programme


Housekeeping – BTS ASM 2021

  1. The programme can be viewed via this link: Updated BTS 2021 ASM Programme
  2. When you sign into the Zoom Webinar, please ensure your name is correct and in full. This is so:
    1. We can sign off the register (and provide legitimate certificates)
    2. Identify the authors who will be presenting more easily
  3. Please DO NOT Share the link with anyone who has not registered for the conference. The committee will be monitoring attendees closely throughout the meeting.
  4. Please use the “Q&A” function on the Zoom Webinar to ask any questions about the presentations. The Chair of each session will select which questions to ask the presenters.
  5. Oral presenters: you must message the hosts via the “Chat” function 5 minutes prior to your session. This is so we can make you a “panelist” which will allow you to answer questions on your video and microphone. You must be present for the whole session. Failure to be present will result in no certificate for attendance or CPD points for the session.
  6. Poster presenters: you will be issued with a separate link to attend the poster session. This is for poster presenters only.
  7. Any “no-shows” will be given 30 seconds to present themselves, after which the session will move onto the next presenter. Please be ready to present your work earlier than planned in this event.
  8. If you are disconnected during the conference, please re-join via the link provided. Please keep an eye on your emails as this is how we will contact you in case of a problem.


Housekeeping – BTS ASM POSTER SESSION 2021

This year, as you will be aware, we have offered the opportunity for you to present your poster for 2 minutes, and take 2 minutes of questions.

  1. Please use the Zoom link you have been emailed to access this session. This will be sent on Monday 22 Nov. Anyone else wishing to view this can do so afterwards via the members’ portal.
  2. When you sign into the Zoom Webinar, please ensure your name is correct and in full. This is so:
    1. We can sign off the register (and provide legitimate certificates)
    2. Identify the authors who will be presenting more easily
  3. You must be present for the whole session. Failure to be present will result in no certificate for attendance or CPD points for the session.
  4. Any questions should be placed on the group chat, and the Chair will direct these to the Presenter.
  5. Please make sure you are muted unless you are presenting
  6. Only the Presenter and the Chair may speak during the session, unless invited by the Chair
  7. Any “no-shows” will be given 30 seconds to present themselves, after which the session will move onto the next presenter. Please be ready to present your work earlier than planned in this event.
  8. If you are disconnected during the conference, please re-join via the link on your email. Please keep an eye on your emails as this is how we will contact you in case of a problem.


Price Bands and Registration

To register and pay for the event please select the applicable member type in the table below.

Consultant or equivalent 1 Non-Consultant and AHP 2  Students
Existing Member before 1 July 2021  £50  £35  £15
New Member from 1 July 2021  £99  £65  £30
Not a Member  £140  £95  £65

1. A medical practitioner that has completed their training e.g. GP or on Specialist Register
2. Includes trainees, non-trainees and Allied Health Professionals


Welcome from the BTS President

Greetings to all fellow members of British Trauma Society in this even more tumultuous year of both Brexit & Covid-19! It is the 32nd annual scientific (ASM) meeting of the British Trauma Society (BTS). Last year’s ASM, due to be held in Oxford was cancelled owing to the Global pandemic – the first of its kind for over a century and a first cancellation for the BTS in it’s now 33 year history. We sincerely hope for calmer waters in the coming months and years for the UK and for our global cousins, as one thing this experience has taught us is that we are intrinsically linked on this fragile planet and our fates cannot be separated.

This year we are VIRTUAL and have yet another exciting programme. The theme is fittingly, Global Trauma to increase awareness of and to discuss how we can share our experiences and contribute to improvements in trauma worldwide.

There will be oral presentations and posters which will be judged and awarded prizes ranging from £500 for the best scientific paper or clinical paper and £250 for the second ranked papers. There is also £250 for the best poster and a separate £100 for the best student presentation. There is also a TLA medicolegal prize of £250 for any papers in this niche area. There will be innovative methods for interacting with the trade and virtual follow ups and symposia available.

BTS continues to grow and we have exciting plans this coming 12 months that include delivering a Human Factors in Trauma conference in September 2021 as a hybrid event and we are influencing & developing national guidelines for trauma. CPD points are awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons England for the ASM. We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Ian Pallister, of Swansea/Cardiff & DCOTS fame, as Education Director to lead our ground breaking national educational programs.

British Trauma Society is a friendly society and is constitutionally multidisciplinary and welcomes all specialities and allied healthcare professionals involved in the care of the injured from roadside to rehabilitation.

We look forward to seeing you all online in November to learn from a global trauma expert panel and hear the fresh ideas of students and trainees in trauma in the virtual space until hopefully the following year when we can meet in person to greet old friends and meet new ones.

Mr Ansar Mahmood
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon, Birmingham UK
President of the British Trauma Society


Click here to download: Updated BTS 2021 ASM Programme



Day 1 (Starting 7pm UK time):

19:00 – Professor Lecky and Dr Carl N Marincowitz – University of Sheffield, UK 

“Impact of the COVID 19 first wave lockdown on the volume, severity and type of major trauma presenting to NHS England”


19:30 – Dr Jan O Jensen – Trauma Surgeon, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.

“Current concepts update on haemorrhage control options in exsanguinating major trauma”


20:00 – Mrs Sarah Tucker – Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon (Trauma Lead), Oxford University Hospitals, UK

“How to set up a Plastic Trauma Unit”



20:30 – Professor Hans-Christoph-Pape – Trauma Surgeon Zurich, Switzerland

 “Update on safe definitive surgery and DCO indications in polytrauma”


Day 2 (Starting 6pm UK time):


18:00 – Mr Alberto Gregori – Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, World Orthopaedic Concern, UK

“Hippo Bites and Google: Lessons learnt in LMIC Environment”


18:30 – Dr Jamie Colman – Associate Professor, Trauma Surgeon, Denver USA

 “Stress and sleepless nights: what it means to the surgeon”


19:00 – Mr Bob Handley – Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Oxford, UK

 “Getting it right first time in Orthopaedic Trauma”


19:30 – Martin Griffiths – Consultant Vascular Surgeon and National Violence Reduction lead UK

“Violence reduction in the UK”


Click here to download: Updated BTS 2021 ASM Programme


